What's new in Maintenance Pro?

Release 3.8.5

New Feature: Compatible Parts Identification

Compatible parts will now display a checkmark in work orders for ease of identification.

Compatible parts can be defined within a unit's profile in the parts tab.

Enhancement: Equipment Compatible to Parts List

We've added a list of equipment compatible with a particular part.

You can find it on the part's profile.

New Feature: Bulk Invoice Creation (Enterprise Only)

Create multiple invoices at once by selecting multiple closed work orders and using the "issue invoices" button.

Enhancement: Customer Equipment List

We've added a list of equipment owned by customers.

Enhancement: New Report Action Buttons

Improved visibility of our report actions


Enhancement: Motive GPS Inspection Failures

We can now receive inspection failures from Motive GPS integrations.

You must enable DTC imports in order to receive them.

Enhancement: Samsara GPS Trailer API Endpoint

We are now able to receive trailer information from Samsara GPS.

Click here for previous release notes

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