Custom Fields
Custom Fields are a great way to add and organize data into the MPWEB software. MPWEB comes with a number of fields with which to add data into the program. For example, when adding new Equipment the make / model / year boxes are already there for you to use.
However, if you have a bit of data that you want to keep track of (that you don't want to enter as a free-form note) then Custom Fields will be quite useful. If you scroll down to the bottom of the New Equipment screen you will see an option for adding a new Custom Field.
Clicking on the New Custom Field button will present an option to name the field.
Please note that any label you use here for the custom field will be accessible to ALL equipment. Because of this, you want to make sure you setup a custom field only for something you wish to track on all equipment. Likewise, if adding a custom field to Work Orders it will be accessible to all Work Order records.
If you have an existing custom field already, you can choose it from the drop down. Otherwise, to add a new field, type the field name and then click the 'Add' option. This will add the field to the record.
You can assign any value you'd like on the right hand side. The field and value will now show on the equipment detail screen.
The field can also be viewed in the Equipment Index as its own column. To add a custom field to the equipment index, click the button to the right of New and choose Customize.
Check the field name and click Save.
Now we have the Custom Field as its own column with data presented. Note that this also works for other index screens where custom fields are used, such as Work Orders.
Managing Custom Fields
To manage all of your created custom fields, click the gear on the top right and click Organization Profile.
Click the Custom Fields tab. Here you will see a list of all custom fields that have been setup in your system.
Be aware that there is a limit to how many custom fields you can have setup at once. On the bottom of this screen the system will tell you how many custom fields you are allowed to have.
Clicking the name of a custom field will bring you to the Edit Custom Field screen.
Editing the Name box will change the custom label every where it has been used. If I change this to Engine Type, everywhere that said Oil Type will switch to Engine Type.
The Default check box determines whether or not the custom field always shows up on the edit screen. For example, here is what the edit screen looks like with default checked.
If Default is left unchecked, then I simply get a New Custom Field button on the edit screen.
Clicking on it will give me the option to select which field I want to use.
If you wish to always see that custom field as an option, make sure Default is checked. If you are unsure of whether or not to default it, we recommend checking Default so that it's always automatically accessible (without any extra clicks). You can always leave the box blank if you don't want to use it.
Deleting a Custom Field
From this Organization Profile | Custom Field screen you can click on a Custom Field and delete it out. Doing so will remove the custom field from being referenced. Note that this will also delete any associated data that belonged to the custom field.
This is the warning that appears when deleting:
There is no way to undo this action. If, for example, I delete the Oil Type field I setup earlier, then any oil types values I added to any unit on my equipment list will be lost. There is no way to get this data back. Make 100% sure that you don't need any of the field data before deleting a custom field.