User Interface Overview

In this article:
Equipment Due List
Inventory Low List
Employees Due List
Global Search
List Search
Show & Hide Columns

When you first log into MPWEB you are presented with the home screen (also known as the dashboard). This screen gives a brief overview of what's going on in your organization. You can view lists of due and overdue tasks and renewals. You can also view a list of inventory that is low or out of stock, along with employee renewals that are due.

On the left hand side you will see a blue menu with options such as Home, Equipment, Work Orders, etc. Clicking any of these will take you to another part of the program.

You can easily get back to the Home screen at any time by clicking on the Home button on the top left menu.

Lets review the features of this screen in more detail.

Notification Lists

On the top left of the screen you will see notification lists for Equipment Due, Inventory Low and Employees Due. 

You can click on one of the three boxes to view a specific list.

Equipment Due List

Equipment Due notifications show soon due and overdue tasks. It also shows any pending inspections that have not yet been completed.

To filter the list by a certain location, click the blue link under Home.

To filter by a notification type, click the blue link above the first row. In this example the filter currently says 'All Due Equipment'.

On the right hand side you will also get a count of how many of the rows are from overdue tasks, soon due tasks, or pending inspection records.

To view the task names that are due for each asset, click the blue arrow on the left hand side, to the right of the check box. This will expand the row to show more details. You can also click on the blue task number (beneath the overdue badge in this example) to expand the row.

To address these notifications you can click on the Action buttons on the right hand side. New WO will create a new Work Order record for the tasks. Inspect will bring you to the inspection record screen to fill out the inspection checklist.

To create multiple Work Order records across multiple assets, utilize the check box on the left of the row to select each one. Once you have selected all of the assets you wish to address, click the New WO button in the blue bar that appears on the top.

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Inventory Low List

The Inventory Low list will let you know of any parts that need to be reordered due to being low in stock (quantity is below the reorder point) or completely out of stock.

Click on the blue link underneath Home to filter the list by a specific Warehouse.

Click on the Action button on a part row to record a Receipt (increase part quantity) or create a Purchase Order (re-order part from a vendor).

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Employees Due List

Click on the Employees Due box to view a list of employees who have renewals that are due.

Utilize the blue link under Home to filter the list by the Employee's primary location.

Click on the Update button to address any renewals and move forward the expiration date..

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On the right hand side of the Home screen you will see charts for Work Orders and Purchase Orders.

The number in the middle of the chart is the total amount of open / pending Work Orders or Purchase Orders. In the example below, we have a total of 9 pending Work Order records. The colors correspond to the Work Order Status.

Hovering your mouse above a color will give you a total count of how many records belong to that status color.

Here is an example for Purchase Orders.

Clicking on the color will bring you to the list with that status filter already set. For example, clicking the orange color on the Work Order chart will bring us to a list of Work Orders that are currently marked as In Progress.

A Maintenance Cost by Month bar chart is also available for viewing. Each bar represents the total maintenance cost for the month presented.

Placing your mouse over a bar will give you a grand total for the month.

All three charts can be printed or saved to a file by clicking the button with the three lines on the top right of the chart, as shown here:

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Global Search

On the top left of the interface there is a global search box that is visible throughout the program.

You can use this search box to quickly locate any equipment, part, vendor, employer, purchase order, or work order records within the system. For example, even if you are currently on the equipment list screen, you can search for a part number from this global search box.

Clicking on any of the results will bring you directly to the profile screen of that record.

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List Search

Each list in the system comes with its own Search box. Unlike the Global Search mentioned above, the List Search will only search the rows of the screen you are currently viewing.

Here is the search box located on the equipment list.

You can type a value in the box to search the current list.

There is a lock icon that you can click on to the right of the search box.

If the icon is unlocked, then any text you type into the search box will disappear whenever you switch to a different screen.

If the icon is locked, then any text you type into the search box will be persistent and will stay populated when switching screens.

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Show & Hide Columns

You can customize which columns display on each listing. To do so, click the hamburger button to the right of New (towards the top right of the list). It looks like three horizontal lines. Then click Customize.

Next you will be presented with the column list. Check a value to show the column and un-check to hide the column.

On the bottom you can choose how many rows you wish to display per page. Click on Save when finished.

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Next article: Organization Settings

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