Organization Profile


The Organization Profile is where company-wide settings are managed, such as date format, timezone, and currency settings.

To access this screen, click the Gear icon on the top right and choose Organization Profile.

Remove Sample Data

Clicking this button will remove any sample data, such as sample equipment and parts from an organization. If sample data has already been removed, then this button will be hidden.

This feature is available to demo users and Maintenance Pro users.

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In the Organization Profile, the first tab that appears is the "Details" tab.

Name: The name of the company / organization. Can be edited as necessary.

Phone: The primary phone number of the company.

Owner: The name listed here is the designated 'owner' of the organization. The owner will automatically receive full admin rights. A different owner can be selected from the main employees list if the company ownership has changed.

Timezone: Here, the primary timezone of an organization can bet changed . This works in conjunction with work order completed times and other program functions.

Currency: The currency of the company can be set.

Date format: The date can be modified to format a company's place of business.

Inventory Accounting: Part receipts are attached to every part tracked with a quantity. When using a part for service, there is the option to change whether the system pulls from the oldest or newest part receipt.

Default Inventory Tracking: When adding new parts, there is an option to set the Inventory Tracking to Yes or No. Setting the inventory tracking to Yes will allow the system track quantity/stock of the part and notify when that part is running low. If Inventory Tracking is set to No, the system will not track quantity available, which means the part can be posted as often as wished. This setting applies only to 'new' parts being added to the system. Parts already added will need to be manually edited to enable/disable tracking on it.

Allow Overdrafts: When tracking part inventory, if the quantity of a part hits zero, it becomes unusable in Work Orders or other program areas until replenished to surpass zero. If the Allow Overdrafts option is set to Yes then the part quantity can go into the negative.

Fiscal Year Begins: In this area, you can specify the month that marks the beginning of your company's fiscal year.

Free-Text Repair Names: Whenever a new repair is added to Maintenance Pro, it gets stored into a repair name list. This includes the capability to apply restrictions on employees, ensuring their adherence to the existing repair list. Individuals authorized to add, edit, or delete items can also be specified. Repair names can be typed if the "Repair Submissions" box is checked. If the option for 'free-text repair names' is checked, any repair name can be typed without pulling from or adding to the repair name list.

Repair Submissions: Maintenance Pro has the ability to host a unique public link for non-MP users to report repairs needed for equipment. Activating this feature will produce a link that allows anyone to submit repair requests.

Hide labor cost: This will hide the labor costs on Work Orders so that they do not appear on the edit screen or any print outs.

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Use the Logo tab to upload a square company logo to the program.

The first 'select file' button is used to place an image on the top left of any Purchase Order print outs.

The second 'select file' button will place the image on the top left of the program, above the menu.


Custom Meters: Custom meter types can be crafted to align more closely with the user's requirements. (Can only be assigned to the secondary meter)

Kilometers / Miles / Hours threshold: If a value other than 0 is entered in, the system will compare new odometer updates with the existing odometer value of the equipment to see if it is past the 'threshold' level. This feature aims to prevent incorrect odometer readings that are either excessively high or low. If a current odometer of 100,000 and a value of 5,000 are entered as the Miles Threshold value, the next meter update of 102,000 would be acceptable. If a higher meter number is entered by accident for the very next meter update, then a message will pop-up and say that the meter increasing is beyond the 5k limit. This will prevent the excessive 120k from being saved and allow the chance to fix the mistake.

Default Fuel Units: You can choose between Gallons and Liters for recording fuel transactions.

L/km Efficiency Units: When dealing with fuel transactions, the program will attempt to calculate fuel efficiency automatically. The calculation performed can be modified here.

Work Orders

The Work Orders tab offers the capability to adjust custom statues, prefixes, and sequences to Work Order tickets.

Custom Work Order Statuses (Enterprise Subscription Only): The enterprise subscription includes the option to add new work order statuses to the system. Only two of these can be created. If the "New" button is missing, it is because two custom work orders have been created.

These statuses will appear as drop down options on Work Order tickets.

Work Order Prefix: Here, a prefix can be added to WO numbers. If the desired prefix is PRE, tickets will show up as PRE-1000, PRE-1001 etc.

Edit WO Numbers: Work order numbers can be manually set when creating a new record.

Work Order Sequence: This value tells the system what the very next Work Order should be numbered. Maintenance Pro will automatically increment this number by 1 when a new ticket is issued. However, if a number is wished to be skipped, it can be entered here. Note that it is not possible to drop the number down to a lower value if modified.

Custom Costs: Custom Costs such as shop supplies can be added and will display at the bottom of the WO Ticket.

Require signature to complete: If this option is checked you will be asked for a signature whenever a Work Order record is closed.

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Purchase Orders

The Purchase Orders tab offers the capability to adjust the numbers and sequences related to Purchase Order tickets.

Purchase Order Prefix: Here, a prefix can be added to PO numbers. If the desired prefix is PRE, tickets will show up as PRE-1000, PRE-1001 etc.

Edit PO Numbers: Purchase order numbers can be manually set when creating a new record.

Work Order Sequence: This value tells the system what the very next Purchase Order should be numbered. Maintenance Pro will automatically increment this number by 1 when a new ticket is issued. However, if a number is wished to be skipped, it can be entered here. Note that it is not possible to drop the number down to a lower value if modified.

Require signature to complete: If this option is checked you will be asked for a signature whenever a Purchase Order record is closed.

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The Inspections option provides the capability to adjust the inspection settings.

Hide Inspection Meter: If this option is selected, the New Inspection screen will no longer ask for a meter reading. This is a global setting and is applied to all inspection templates equally.
Inspection Repairs by Default: Whenever a checklist item on the inspection is failed, a repair request will automatically be created.

Require signature to complete: If this option is checked, a signature will be required.

Custom Fields

Custom fields are used to personalize data by creating boxes that the user chooses. Under the Custom Field tab, a Drop Down box will be visible. Choose the Custom Field type here. Click "New" to add a custom field.

The Type will already be filled in based on what was chosen earlier in the drop down box.

Enter what you want the label of the custom field to be into the Name box.

Check 'Default to display the box every time a new record is added. If default is left unchecked, the custom field will still exist, but will be hidden unless added manually to the equipment profile.

When new equipment is added to the system, the Engine Type field will be available.

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Barcode Settings

Whenever Maintenance Pro is run on a computer, it will attempt to listen for any barcode scans coming from a USB scanner. 

The Barcode Settings tab allows modification to the barcode length, timer, and check digit parameters.

In most circumstances the barcode scanning functionality is used in conjunction with parts. However, a barcode can be assigned to an asset on the equipment list as an easy way to reference the unit. The Equipment Lookup will allow the option to choose what to look for on the scan.

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GPS Integrations (Enterprise Only)

Any supported GPS integrations can be added here.

Once a GPS integration is setup, the system will attempt to contact the GPS provider on a daily basis to bring in any new odometer readings, location updates, and DTC codes.

Single Sign-On (Enterprise Only)

We support Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML 2.0) for SSO solutions.

SSO setup varies by provider, but they all should be fairly similar. 

Use the provided:

  • Single sign-on URL 
  • Audience URI (SP Entity ID) 

On your SSO solution.

Then use the following from your provider:

  • Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL
  • Identity Provider Issuer
  • X.509 Certificate

On our SSO setup

Provider Specific Setup Instructions:

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