Add New Parts

In this article:
Add New Parts
Assign Warehouse To Part
Add Vendor To Part
Assign Substitute Part
Custom Fields

Add New Parts

To add new parts to MPWEB we'll need to be on the Inventory List. Click the Inventory button on the left menu.

Click the blue New button on the top right to add a new part. This will bring you to the New Inventory screen.

Alternatively, clicking the white + icon on the Inventory button on the left will bring you directly to the New Inventory screen.

Here is a screenshot of the New Inventory screen. You will want to fill in as much information as possible so that it's easy to reference the part later. Anything with a red * symbol is required:

Part number is a required field. Each inventory entry must have a part number associated with it. This will be used when adding the part to Work Orders and other places in the system.

Fill out the Name field with the name of the part.

You can include additional information about the part in the  Description text box.

Category is helpful to organize types of parts. Some common categories include body, electrical, filters, fans, etc.

You can set the unit Unit type to the right. Most common unit type is Each, unless you are dealing with fluids, in which case you may wish to use gallons or liters. If you do not see a type in the list you wish to use, simply type a new value and click Add, as shown here:

Track Inventory - If this is checked, then our system will try and track how much quantity of the part is available. If this is unchecked, then the system will not track quantity at all, and it won't let you know when you're running low on stock.

Fuel Tank - You will only see this checkbox if you are on the Enterprise subscription level. This value tells the system that you are adding a new fuel tank to the system. Click this link to find out more information about the fuel tank management feature.

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Assign Warehouse To Part

Here you can choose the physical  Warehouse the part belongs to.

Enter the price for each part in the Unit cost box.

Bin - Here you can enter where the part is located within the warehouse. Aisle, Row and Bin location is usually added here.

Quantity - This is where you specify the initial stock quantity that you have on hand. Note that you can always adjust the quantity level later. This will only be available if 'Track Inventory' was checked on the top of the page.

Low stock level - If the quantity of the part falls at or below this value then the part will be marked as 'low stock'. This will add the part to the Home screen notifying you that it needs to be reordered. This part will also be added to daily 'low stock' emails if you are subscribed to those on your employee account. Click here for more information about setting up employee notifications.

Reorder Quantity - This is how much of the part you usually order at one time in a batch.
                                  (Using a -1 here will stop re-order notifications for the part)

Maximum Quantity - This is the limit of how much quantity you want on-site at any time.

If the part will be present in more than one physical warehouse you can click the blue Add Warehouse button to add a new warehouse entry. Each warehouse can have its own independent quantity level of the same part number.

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In this section you can tell MPWEB where you normally purchase the part from.

Vendor will be the vendor name.

Enter the Manufacturer of the part.

Vendor Part # - If you vendor has a different part # to look up the part in their system you can enter it here. When adding the part to a Work Order ticket you can look it up by this vendor part #, in addition to the main part number that has been filled in at the top.

A Barcode can be filled in to use with our 'scan part' link in the Work Order ticket when using our mobile app. If you are on a desktop you can use a USB scanner to pull this part into a Work Order ticket.

Global Supplier - Checking this tells the system that the vendor will be utilized across all warehouses in the system.

Warehouses - If the Global Supplier option is NOT checked then you can specify which warehouses this vendor should apply to.

When creating Purchase Orders for the part the system will look at any vendor/warehouse links and follow any warehouse restrictions if set here. This means that if a vendor is added to the part for only one warehouse, and you have multiple warehouses, then a PO may not be able to be created for the part for other warehouses. Because of this, we recommend setting all vendors as Global Suppliers unless you specifically want a warehouse-level vendor restriction. At the bare minimum you will want one vendor to be a global supplier for the part.

Click the Add Vendor button to add another vendor record to this part.

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Click on Add Substitute to add a separate part number to be used as a substitute whenever this part is not available or out of stock.

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Custom Fields

Custom Fields can be added if you have extra data you want to enter about this part that doesn't belong in any of the other boxes. Click New Custom Field to add a new field to the part screen. If you have any custom fields setup as default in the Organization Profile for inventory they will automatically show up here.

Click the Save button on the bottom to save this part to the system. Click Save & New if you wish to stay on this screen to enter in the next part.

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