Fuel Tank Management

In this article:
Fuel Tank Overview
Add New Fuel Tank
Edit Fuel Tank Details
Adjust Fuel Tank Level
Link Fuel Transactions To Fuel Tank
View Fuel Tank Levels
Fuel Tank Reports

Fuel Tank Overview

Note: Fuel Tank Management is an Enterprise-only feature. If you do not currently have access to Fuel Tank Management on your MPWEB account, or you wish to upgrade to the Enterprise level to have access to this feature, please contact us.

Maintenance Pro Web provides an easy way for you to manage your on-site fuel tank inventory. Each fuel tank can be added to your Inventory list and given a set capacity. Whenever fuel is ordered you can receive fuel into the tank. As fuel transactions are added to MPWEB you can specify which tank the fuel was provided from. This will subtract the fuel amount from the tank's available quantity, and allow you to see which tanks are running low and need to be refueled.

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Add New Fuel Tank

To add a new tank click Inventory on the left. Then click the Fuel tab.

Note: If the fuel tab is missing then fuel tank management is not active. Please contact us at support@mtcpro.com to enable fuel tank management for your account.

Click the blue New button on the top right.

This will bring you to the New Inventory button.

Tank ID is a required field. This would be a shorthand identifier for the fuel tank.

You can enter more detailed information about the fuel tank in the Name and Description fields.

If you have multiple fuel tanks you can assign them to specific Categories. This field is optional.

Make sure the Fuel Tank option is checked. If this is not checked then the system will think this is a normal inventory part.

The Warehouse is considered the physical location of the fuel tank.

The Unit Cost value works similarly to normal inventory parts. If quantity for the fuel tank is not tracked then this default unit cost is provided. If you will be tracking how much fuel is in your tanks then this unit cost will be ignored, and the pricing will be derived from fuel receipts.

The Track Inventory option should be enabled if you wish to keep track of how much fuel you have left in the tank.

Quantity on Hand is the initial amount of fuel currently in the tank. If you enter a value here the Unit Cost above will be used to price out the initial quantity sitting in the tank. We recommend leaving this at 0 to start with, as you can add a fuel receipt after the tank has been created / saved.

Reorder Point is considered the 'low quantity' level. In this example we are setting the reorder point to 500. If the tank reaches a quantity of 500 or lower then it will show up with a red highlight on the fuel tank list. This is to let us know we need to order more fuel.

Reorder Quantity is the amount of fuel you usually order when refilling the tank. This can be left at 0 if the amount varies.

Capacity is the maximum amount of fuel the tank can hold.

You can also set a default fuel Vendor if you wish.

Click Save on the bottom to add the fuel tank to the list.

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Edit Fuel Tank Details

If you wish to make any adjustments to the fuel tank details (such as changing the name) you can go back to Inventory and click the Fuel tab. Click the name of the fuel tank.

Then click the Edit button to make any changes. Click Save on the bottom when finished.

If the fuel tank was created by accident you can delete the tank completely from the system by clicking the Gear button and choosing Delete. Note that a fuel tank can be deleted only if it has not been previously used. If the tank has been assigned to any transactions then the delete option will no longer be available. 

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Adjust Fuel Tank Level

To receive fuel into the tank you will need to create a fuel receipt. Note that this process works very similarly to receiving normal inventory parts.

To create a fuel receipt go to the fuel tank list and click the action gear on the right side. Click Receipt.

The Date will automatically be today's date and can be backdated to a previous date if required. 

Quantity received is how many gallons / liters you wish to add to the fuel tank.

Unit cost is the price per gallon / liter for this receipt.

The tax rate, invoice number, vendor name, and description are optional.

Press Save to complete the receipt.

The fuel tank quantity will now be increased by the amount entered into the receipt.

If you wish to manually subtract fuel from the tank you can do so by creating an Issuance. Click the action gear and choose Issuance.

Enter the quantity you wish to remove from the tank and click Save.

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Link Fuel Transactions To Fuel Tank

Note: If you are using the CSV fuel import feature, the exact fuel tank name would need to be present in a column on the CSV file in order to link the transactions to a tank. Please contact support@mtcpro.com for assistance in updating your fuel configuration to recognize fuel tanks.

Add a manual fuel transaction to equipment by going to the Equipment List. Click the action gear and choose New Fuel Transaction.

On the New Fuel Transaction page you will be able to choose the fuel tank name. 

Press Save to record the transaction.

Going back to Inventory and the Fuel tab will show the quantity removed from the tank.

Clicking the tank name and going to the Issuances tab will show you which equipment the fuel went to.

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View Fuel Tank Levels

Clicking Inventory and Fuel on the left side will give you a listing of all available fuel tanks. The Quantity column will show how much fuel is currently available in the tank.

If the quantity available is below the reorder point the fuel tank and quantity will be highlighted in red.

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Fuel Tank Reports

You can find a number of fuel tank reports by clicking Reports on the left side. Open the Fuel Tanks category to view available report options.

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