Add Parts And Labor To Work Order Tasks

Add Parts & Labor

Parts and labor can be added to each Work Order task using the "Add Parts" and "Add Labor" options located underneath.

Add Parts

Clicking Add Parts will bring up a text box where Part Number, Quantity, and Cost can added.

After setting a quantity, the cost will be automatically populated. If inventory tracking enabled, the system will look at the available Part Receipts for this part number, and pull the cost based on the available part receipt.

More information about part receipts can be found by clicking this link.

Pressing Save will attach the part to this task. The system will give option to keep adding more and more parts as needed. Cancel can be pressed to make the "Enter Parts Box" disappear.

Once a part is added to a task, the action gear to the right of the part number allows the item to be edited or deleted.

Add Labor

The process for adding labor is very similar to adding parts. Simply click the Add Labor button underneath of the task name.

Enter the name of the employee or vendor performing the task, and input the hours for the quantity.  The labor rate is automatically retrieved from the employee/vendor profile. You can override the cost if necessary before saving.

Once the labor is saved, the action gear can be utilized to edit or delete the labor entry.

Add Costs To Tasks Without Itemizing Parts Or Labor

Part costs and labor costs can be added to tasks without itemizing part numbers or labor hours. This is useful to add a 'general shop cost' to a task without individually specifying a part, employee, or vendor.

In order to accomplish this,, the task must not have any parts or labor already attached to it. The costs must be previously blue and clickable.

Labor costs are completed the same way as part costs.

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