Part Receipts: How To Increase Quantity

Our system will keep track of how much quantity is in stock for any part that has Inventory Tracking enabled.

You can tell if Inventory Tracking is enabled based on the Quantity column of the Inventory Index screen. If there is no number in the Quantity column then that means tracking is not enabled for the part.

Here is an example. Part 007 does not have tracking enabled:

If you wish to enable tracking on a part, simply edit the part and check the box on the bottom for Track Inventory.

Adding A Part Receipt

Click the action gear on the very right of the part you wish to add quantity to. Choose the Receipt option.

Alternatively, you can click on the part name in your inventory list to get to the Part Detail screen. Then click on the Receipts tab and click the blue New Receipt button on the top right.

This will bring you to the New Receipt screen.

Enter the Date that the part quantity was received. This will default to today's date but can be changed if adding a historical entry.

Enter the amount of Quantity received for this receipt.

Unit Cost is how much will be charged out on Work Orders when adding this part to them.

Enter any applicable Taxes.

You can enter an Invoice number to reference if this part was ordered from a vendor.

Choose the Vendor where the part was purchased from.

You can add any notes to the Description box about this particular receipt.

Click Save on the bottom when finished.

Once the receipt is saved, the quantity on hand will increase. You can also view any part receipts by clicking on a part in your Inventory list and clicking the Receipts tab.

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