Add New Equipment

To add new equipment, click the universal plus sign at the top.

The New Equipment screen contains a variety of information fields to complete.

The Unit #: Two pieces of equipment are not allowed to have the same unit #.

Serial #: Entering in the serial number will automatically populate the Year, Make, and Model of the equipment. No two units can have the same serial number.

Anything entered into the Keywords box will create a search tag for the equipment. These 'search tags' make it easier to find the equipment from a list. Entering keywords is optional and not required.

The check box for Equipment has a meter tells the system whether or not an odometer will be tracked. Each piece of equipment can have up to two meter types setup and be choosen from Miles, Kilometers or Hours. If this box is unchecked, the system will not track any meter readings. 

Note: the meter types will automatically be configured when choosing a Maintenance Template

Assignee: an employee who operates or is responsible for the unit's maintenance can be assigned.

Location/Category: which location the unit belongs to.

Purchase: category that is used for the depreciation report.

Maintenance Template and Inspection Template: Can be assigned to the unit.

Find more information by clicking on Maintenance Templates or Inspection Templates.

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