
To access your Vendor list, click on the Vendors tab on the left.

Here, you will see a list of all Vendors set up in the system.

Click on New on the top right to add a new Vendor. Here is the New Vendor window:

Enter as much information here as you'd like. The more details, the better. At the bare minimum, we need to have the Name box filled in. 

Please note you cannot have two vendors with the same name. Each Vendor needs to have a unique name.

Another important box on this screen is the Type box. This is useful for categorizing your vendors, so you know who does what.

Vendors in Work Orders

You may assign work orders to vendors.

You can also assign labor to Vendors.

Vendors In Parts

You can also designate vendors for inventory parts.

Do I have to set up a vendor, or is it optional?

Technically don't need to enter any vendors into the system to utilize Work Orders, Inventory, etc. However, it does help if you need to know where your parts were purchased from or if you need to outsource any labor so you can track things appropriately.

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