Meter Replacements

In this article:
Meter Replacement Overview
Add Meter Replacement
View Lifetime Meter
View All Meter Replacements
Edit / Delete Meter Replacement

Meter Replacement Overview

Whenever an odometer cluster on a piece of equipment has failed, a technician may repair the equipment and replace the odometer cluster with a new one. When this occurs, the meter reading on the unit will no long match up with the readings from the old odometer cluster, including the meter log history of the unit inside of MPWEB.

Our 'Meter Replacement' function allows you to track these meter replacements and update the current odometer of the equipment to match the new odometer cluster. The previous meter history is also kept to provide a lifetime meter value for the equipment.

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Add Meter Replacement

To add a meter replacement, first open up the equipment's profile screen.

Click the action gear on the top right and choose Meter Replacement.

This will bring you to the New Meter Replacement screen.

The Equipment box should already be filled in with the unit ID.

Enter the date of the meter replacement in the Replaced On field.

Enter the Current Reading of the unit prior to the replacement.

Then, enter in the Replacement Reading. This is the meter reading on the new odometer cluster.

Press Save to record the new meter replacement.

This will add a new Meter Replacement entry in the Meter Log history of the equipment.

If any meter replacements for the unit have been performed you will see them displayed prominently on the top of the history screen. The meter replacement row will also show you the original meter and new meter reading.

In this example we replaced a 230,000 meter cluster with a brand new one that has 0 miles on it. The equipment will now reflect the new meter reading.

New meter updates, which correspond with the new odometer cluster's reading, can now be added.

Note that all maintenance tasks that rely on a meter reading will retain their history, and be updated to correlate correctly with the new meter reading.

In this example we have a 30,000 mile task that was last performed before the meter was replaced.

This task was last performed at 227,000 miles. 

Since the equipment reached 230,000 miles before the meter was reset back to 0 with the new cluster, the last performed value of the task will update to a negative number.

This shows the task was done 3,000 miles 'before' the current 0 reading. Since we have added 1,000 miles to the odometer since then, the task correctly shows that the service is due in 26,000 more miles.

Note that the tasks will automatically update the last performed values on their own. There is nothing extra you need to do here.

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View Lifetime Meter

Knowing how many meters the equipment has, in totality, will be useful for tracking purposes. Even though the odometer cluster was reset to 0 miles, the rest of the equipment's components still have 230,000 miles of wear on them.

Our system tracks the Lifetime Meter value of the equipment to show you the total number of miles the equipment has, even after the meter was replaced.

To view this value, from your equipment list click the button to the right of new and choose Customize.

Make sure that Lifetime Meters is checked. Click Save on the bottom to add the column.

Now the Lifetime Meter value will display.

In this example, we replaced the odometer at 230,000 miles, and the reading was reset to 0. We have since added 1,000 miles to the unit, so the lifetime meter shows a combined 231,000 miles.

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View All Meter Replacements

To view meter replacements for one unit only, click the unit from your Equipment List and click the History tab.

Next, click the Meter Log button.

Meter Replacements will show up at the very top of the list. You will also see them within the meter log records themselves.

To view meter replacements that have been added across all of your equipment, click the 123 button on the very top right and choose Meter Replacements.

All previously added meter replacements will show here. You can utilize the search box if you want to find a specific unit.

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Edit / Delete Meter Replacement

To edit or delete a meter replacement, click on the Meter Replacement entry in the equipment's meter log history.

This will take you to the Update Meter Replacement screen. Here you can edit values if they are incorrect. If the meter replacement was added by accident, click the Delete button on the bottom to remove it.

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