Driver Vehicle Inspection Report - DVIR

Driver Vehicle Inspection Report Overview

A Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) is a document that verifies a driver has conducted an inspection of a vehicle. DVIR checklists can be incorporated into the system for both vehicles and trailers.

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There are currently two built-in templates for DVIR: one for vehicles and one for trailers. To adhere to DVIR regulations, these specific templates must be chosen. If a different template is used, it will be considered a standard inspection checklist and will lack the additional DVIR-specific features.

Note: manually typing the template name into the box will not enable the DVIR function.

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Assign DVIR To Equipment

To link equipment to the new DVIR template, click the gear icon in the top right and select "Inspection Templates."

On the Inspection Template screen, equipment can be added by clicking the action gear to the right of the DVIR template.

This will present a list of available units and the desired equipment can be added to the DVIR Template.

The equipment count will update once the equipment is officially saved to the template.

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Create New DVIR Record

Once the equipment is assigned to the DVIR template, new DVIRs can be created for the unit. This can be done from the equipment list by selecting the action gear.

Choosing Inspection: DVIR Vehicle or Inspection: DVIR Trailer will display the inspection record screen. Each checklist item will be presented with a Pass and Failed button. 

Assignee-the person responsible for filling out the inspection.

Date-will default to the current date. This can be backdated if filling out a historical inspection record.

Current Miles / Hours / Kilometers-current meter reading of the equipment at the time of inspection.

Notes-any remarks for future reference.

Press Pass or Failed on each checklist item to proceed to the next row.

Pass-the checklist item has no issues. 

Failed-a problem with the checklist item was found.

Additional options will be provided if any checklist item has failed.

Checking Create Repair Request will add a new repair request with the checklist item's name to the equipment task list. Anything entered in the text box underneath will will display in the repair request notes. If a repair request was previously created for the checklist item, and the request is still pending, you will be notified so that a duplicate request is not created.

Note: creating a repair request is optional. You can still type into the text box below if you wish to note down any information about the failed item.

The Picture button on the right side allows a photo to be uploaded of the failed item.

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Signing Off On DVIR

Once all checklist items have been evaluated and assigned a pass or fail status, a condition selection and signature box will appear.

Note: If the signature box does not appear, you may need to enable signatures for your organization. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the page, select 'Organization Profile,' go to the 'Signatures' tab, check 'Require Signature to Complete,' and then save your changes.

The condition presented will depend on if items have passed or failed.

If all items have passed, 'Condition Satisfactory' will be selected. You can then proceed to sign and save.

If any items have failed, you will have two options: either 'Defects Corrected' or 'Correction Not Needed.'

Note: in either case, the driver that is filling out the inspection will want to sign.

If the failed items do not need to be fixed at this time, then Correction Not Needed can be marked.

If the failed items need to be corrected, do not select either condition. Instead, simply sign and save. The failed inspection will be recorded in the equipment's history to be completed at a later time.

To view all previous inspections from the Equipment profile, click 'History,' then select 'Inspections.' This will display all past inspection records for the vehicle.

Once the inspection failure has been corrected, go to the equipment history and select the failed inspection. You can then choose the 'Defects Corrected' option. Both the mechanic who resolved the issue and the driver will need to sign. If they are not both present at the same time, the mechanic can sign first, and the driver can return later to sign their portion.

Once all signatures have been obtained, the inspection is considered finalized. Click 'Save' to record the changes, which will update the inspection status from 'Failed' to Fixed.

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