Manage Inventory Warehouses

In this article:
Add New Warehouse
Edit Warehouse
Delete Warehouse
View Warehouses On Inventory Screen


MPWEB has the ability to add separate Warehouses to the system to store your parts into. Each Warehouse is meant to be a separate physical location where you store your parts. This works similarly to Equipment locations, in that it's another layer of organization.

However, unlike equipment, you may have the same part number in multiple warehouses. The quantity of the part will be managed separately in each Warehouse. For example, Part A can be in warehouse #1 with a quantity of 5 and also be in warehouse #2 with a quantity of 7.

To manage warehouses, click the gear on the top right and choose Warehouses.

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Add New Warehouse

Click the New button on the top right to add a new Warehouse.

Enter in a name for the warehouse and a default tax rate. This tax rate applies to Purchase Orders only (not to Work Orders). 

Entering the address is optional. Click Save when finished.

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Edit Warehouse

On the Warehouse Management screen, click on any Warehouse name to get to the Edit screen.

Make any changes as needed and press Save when finished.

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Delete Warehouse

A Delete button will show up on the bottom of the screen which allows you to completely remove the warehouse. Note that any references to parts inside of the deleted warehouse will also be removed.

If a warehouse was deleted by accident, and the warehouse previously had part entries tied to it, you can view the delete Warehouses by clicking the blue All status filter on the top left, as shown here:

To restore a warehouse you will want to click the deleted warehouse's name from the list. Then choose Undelete on the bottom.

This will make the warehouse active again and restore all part links.

Remember to switch the blue status filter back to All to see your normal warehouse list.

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View Warehouses On Inventory Screen

You can filter out the Inventory Index screen to view only parts from a certain warehouse.

1) You can click the three horizontal lines next to the Inventory heading to open the side bar on the left. Click the Warehouse you wish to view.

2) Click the blue link underneath the Inventory heading. This will give you a list of existing warehouses to filter by.

Here is an example of filtering out by a specific Warehouse. Only parts in Warehouse #2 are being displayed. Notice the blue link now says Warehouse #2, and Warehouse #2 is also in bold on the left hside:

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