Utilizing The Work Order Index
The Work Order Index can be a valuable management tool for monitoring outstanding Work Order tickets.
Clicking on Work Orders on the left menu will being you to the Work Order Index screen. Work Orders of any status can be viewed here.
The Work Orders screen also offers advanced search and filtering capabilities through three different methods.
- Drop Down Filter-will present a selection of pre-prepared filters available for the user to use.
- Location Filter-enables the user to select from various locations.
- Custom Filter-allows the user to create filters according to their preferences.
My Incomplete-shows Work Orders that have been assigned and not yet completed.
My On Hold-shows Work Orders that have been assigned and have an On Hold status.
My High Priority-shows Work Orders that have been assigned and marked as High Priority through the Work Order edit screen.
Incomplete-shows all Work Orders with an Open, In Progress, or On Hold status
Open-shows all Work Orders with the Open status specifically. In Progress and On Hold Work Orders are hidden.
In Progress-shows all Work Orders that are in progress.
On Hold-shows Work Orders with the On Hold status specirfically.
Closed-shows all Work Orders that have been closed or completed.
Issued Today-shows all Work Orders created today.
Overdue-shows all work orders that are overdue.
All-shows all Work Orders that match the location filter, regardless of status.
The search box can be utilized to search values from any of the available columns. This is most commonly used to search for Work Orders from a specific unit ID or specific Assignee.
Three gray horizontal lines will provide additional options.
Print will generate a PDF of the rows in the current view.
Export to CSV will save a CSV spreadsheet of the rows in the current view.
Customize will allow the user to show/hide different data columns.