How To Re-Open A Closed Work Order

Reopening A Previously Completed WO

Once a Work Order has been closed, an option to "Re-Open Work Order" will appear on the WO ticket. This allows the Work Order to be reopened at any time.

Partially Completing A Work Order

Clicking on "Mark Complete" under the tasks will mark the individual task complete, but leave the other ones open. This ensures that the progress of the work order can be accurately tracked throughout the completion of the Work Order.

Once Mark Complete is clicked for any task, the Work Order status will automatically update to In Progress on the top right. A green check will appear to the left of the task name, showing that this particular task has been done. If a task was accidentally marked as completed, it can quickly be changed back to incomplete.

The progress bar on the top right will update with how many total tasks are marked complete.

Note: Marking an individual task as complete does not put the task into the unit's history. This is only done when the entire Work Order ticket is completed.

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