Creating A New Work Order

There are a number of ways to create new Work Order records in Maintenance Pro.

From The Home Screen

Whenever equipment has recurring maintenance tasks or repair requests that are soon due or overdue, a New WO button will be presented on the home screen.

Clicking New WO will automatically display the new WO screen, and will include tasks showing up as due.

From The Work Orders Button On The Left

Clicking on the + sign will display the new Work Order screen.

From The Equipment List

On the equipment list, the action gear will display a dropdown with a New Work Order option.

New Work Order Screen

Utilizing one of the three methods above to create a WO will display a New Work Order screen.

The first box for Equipment is where you specify the unit you wish to create a WO for. This will be pre-populated if a WO was created from the home screen or the action gear on the equipment index.

Assignee is who you wish to be responsible for completing the Work Order. You can have up to two values here, gathered from your employee list or vendor list. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean who is performing labor. Labor can be added separately onto each task later, and the person/vendor doing the labor does not have to be the assignee.

You can enter a date when the Work Order will be started in the Scheduled box.

You can enter a date in the Due box for when the WO should be completed by.

You can set a Priority of the WO if you wish, to make it stand out from your other Work Order tickets.

You can set a Type so you know what the Work Order is basically about. Used more as a reference.

Initial Notes can be added to the WO and it used as a reference.

Note: the majority of these fields are optional. The only items 100% required to create the Work Order is the unit ID on the top, and the tasks on the bottom.

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Add WO Tasks

On the bottom of the new Work Order screen will be a list of Soon Due or Overdue tasks. These can be check marked and added to the WO. Clicking on Add Task will add a task to the WO ticket.

Anything can be typed in this box. If a task already exists, it will pull up as an option as soon as the name is typed. A new value can be added into this box by choosing the "Add" option in blue.

The typed-in tasks will show up like this:

Clicking cancel will remove a task from the WO ticket.

Saving will bring up the Work Order Detail screen. Here, parts and labor can be added, the WO status can be set, and additional tasks can be assigned.

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