Last Performed Values

Any time a unit is assigned to a Recurring Task, a Last Performed value is set so that the system can track when the next maintenance task is due. Last Performed is the last time the recurring task was completed. If you are adding new units to the system, you may wish to edit the Last Performed date/meter so that MPWEB accurate tracks the next maintenance that needs to be done.

To access the Last Performed values for a unit, go to the Equipment Index and click the action gear on the right and choose Last Performed.

You can also access this via the Equipment Profile screen and clicking the Gear button on the right.

Also note that when adding an individual task to a unit, you can set the Last Performed value here as well.

On the Last Performed screen, you can modify the date and meter that the task was last done.

Click Update on the bottom to save the changes.

If a work order has already been made for the tasks, then MPWEB will be pulling data from the Work Order completed date/meter for Last Performed. If this is the case, the data will not be editable and will show you which Work Order it's pulling the information from.

Opening the linked Work Order and editing the date/meter the Work Order was completed will change the Last Performed values here.

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