Adding & Viewing General Expenses

MPWEB has the ability to add General Expenses to equipment. For example, if you were managing a fleet of trucks and wanted to keep track of how much money is spent on car washes, without needing to create a Work Order for them, then you would add the car wash as an expense.

To add an expense to a unit, browse to the Equipment Index and click on the action gear on the right. Choose Expense.

You can also create a new Expense record via the plus sign on the top left of the screen.

This will bring you to the New Expense screen.

Equipment is the unit you wish to add the expense to.

Enter in a Description for the expense that is easy to understand for your organization.

Created on is the date the expense is posted to the unit. You can back date expenses if needed.

Specify Part Used can be checked if you wish to pull a part from your inventory to use for this expense. For example, lets say we have Air Fresheners that we keep in stock and are given to units as needed. You can add the Air Freshener here to the Part box. This will pull the part from your existing inventory quantity (if you are tracking quantity it will be subtracted) and attach the part to this expense. This is a way of issuing parts to a unit without needing to create a Work Order.

Unit Cost is lit up only if a part is used.

Quantity is lit up only if a part is used.

Total Cost is where you would enter the total amount of the expense.

You can add any extra detail in Notes about the expense.

Click Save to add the expense to the unit's history. Save & New will do the same and bring you back to the New Expense screen if you wish to add another record.

Viewing & Editing Expense History

To view expense history for a unit go to the Equipment Index and click the unit's name. From the Equipment Profile screen click the History tab and click the Expenses category.

Here you can set a date range on the left. The new button on the right is a quick way to add another expense to this unit.

To edit or remove an expense, click the expense row (date or name). This will bring you to the edit screen. You can make changes or delete the expense as needed.


You can view expenses within the Operating Cost and Expense Detail reports.

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