Setting Up Employees & Users | Security Options & Permissions

Review our video tutorial on how to set up MPWEB users at this link:

Every employee that is allowed to login to Maintenance Pro Web can be set to a specific account Type.

You can also view the account type from the Employee index.

Here are the different types of accounts:

Owner - This is the designated owner of the organization and has rights to everything. This can be set in the Organization Profile for the account. You cannot set this in the normal Employee Edit window. There can only ever be one owner per organization.

Admin - Similar to the Owner account, and has access to everything.

Standard - Users with a Standard account type can be blocked from accessing certain parts of the software. When selecting this type, a security/permission menu appears below to designate restrictions.

Operator- A operator user can be setup with an email/password login, or a username/password login, and can only view the Equipment Index screen. They can make repair requests, update meters, add expenses and add fuel transactions. They do not have access to Inventory, Reporting, or Work Orders.

Setting Permissions / Restrictions

When setting an account to the Standard type, you can modify User Permissions based on the check boxes here:

A check means the user is allowed to perform that particular function. An empty box means the function is restricted.

You can also limit the locations and warehouses the user is allowed to access. These options are towards the bottom of the edit screen. Any items unchecked will not be accessible for this user.

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